A Backlit Picture Frame for Movie Film
An electronics project featuring a dimmable backlight for a movie souvenir film strip
Pi Pico Digital Clock
A digital clock project I'm working on using a Pi Pico and a DS3231 Module
Christmas Light Troubleshooting Guide
A guide on troubleshooting, and managing strands of holiday lights.
Tools for Small Electronics Projects
Tools that I find useful when working on side-projects involving electronics & circuitry
IR Remote-Controlled Light
My design for a IR-remote-controlled light using an Adafruit Trinket M0, and CircuitPython
Root Shell on your Drone!
Syma X5SW - Getting a root shell, streaming video, taking pictures, and more!
Custom Solar Light using a Mason Jar
Constructing a solar light using Mason Jars, LEDs, and misc. parts.