Satellite Tracking Dashboard Widget
A satellite tracking widget for my monitoring dashboard project
Lightweight dashboards via the Linux Framebuffer
A lightweight Python module I wrote for my Raspberry Pi to display monitoring dashboards using without any GUI, just the framebuffer.
Simple Dynamic DNS With Route53 and AWS Lambda
Using an AWS function to update a DNS record in Route53
Setting up NGINX and LetsEncrypt on my Home Server
I set up nginx and use LetsEncrypt wildcard certificates using the Route53 plugin to secure my home server's services.
Auto mount encrypted drives, using 1Password and systemd
How I automatically mount the encrypted RAID array for my home server at boot time, using 1Password and systemd.
My Dotfiles, Refreshed
Refreshing and simplifying my dotfiles for zsh, vim, and tmux.
Debian (XFCE/Wfm4) with macOS-like keybindings
Some keybindings & shortcuts I configured to make my transition to linux a little easier.
Setting up Bind9 as a forwarding DNS server
Setting up Bind9 to forward DNS requests to cloudflare + google, and adding some additional records for my lan.
Debian 9 NAS
Setting up NAS box on top of debian, using RAID 1
My Raspberry Pi Setup Checklist
My checklist for Americanizing and configuring a new raspberry pi.
Root Shell on your Drone!
Syma X5SW - Getting a root shell, streaming video, taking pictures, and more!
Linux Framebuffer Graphics
Using the linux framebuffer for raw graphics without a window system.