Privilege Escalation in EC2, using Session Manager
The dangers of granting ssm:StartSession permissions to your EC2 instances
Static Password Protected Posts, pt. 2
Some updates on my original post about encrypted content for this blog
Password Protecting Blog Posts WebCrypto!
A process to password protect blog posts in my static site, using encryption to keep the contents secure.
Using Certificate Transparency Logs for DNS Enumeration
A tool for enumerating DNS records using cert transparency and dictionary files
iPhone Backup Tools v2
Introducing a new version of my iOS backup tools, now featuring decryption. Written in rust.
Common Web App Security Bugs and where to find them
A (non-exhaustive) list of common web security bugs with examples, including XSS and command injection.
Reverse Engineering some Wordpress Malware
Wordpress Hardening & Reverse engineering some wordpress malware
Root Shell on your Drone!
Syma X5SW - Getting a root shell, streaming video, taking pictures, and more!
iOS Backup Information Extractor Tool Updated
I've updated my tool to extract tons of useful data from iOS backups
Reverse Engineering the iOS Backup
Explore the format of iOS backups and ways to extract data.