Intro.JS - Skipping hidden elements

A quick tip on how to skip tooltips for hidden elements using IntroJS
1 min read

We use Intro.Js at Veritonic for some of our in-app tutorials.

In one of our pages, we came across a scenario where IntroJS was rendering tutorial steps for elements hidden by display: none in CSS.

To accomplish this, we combine a trick for finding out if the target element is hidden, and a selector to find all the intros in a page.


Without further ado - this is how we do it. When someone clicks “start tutorial”, this code runs, which finds the active elements and triggers the tutorial.

// get all intro elements, and filter out the ones that are not visible
const steps ='*[data-intro]'))
  // only visible elements:
  .filter(el => !!el.offsetParent)

  // transform into introJS steps
  .map(el => ({
    element: el,
    intro: el.getAttribute('data-intro'),
    title: el.getAttribute('data-title'),

// run introJS with our step list
introJS().setOptions({ steps }).start();


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